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«  June 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » June » 14
...who are you, at last?
- I - a part of power, which forever
wants evil and forever makes good
Gete "Faust"
"Master and Margarita" is very mystery book!
There are a lot of funny events, which are made by Voland (devil) and his escort: Koroviev-Fagot, cat Begemot and Azazelo.  And this book about pure love of Master ad Margarita. Also you can learn about life in loony bin, life of witches and devils. You find answer why Devil is.
Category: Hobby | Views: 3262 | Added by: winter-kokos | Date: 14.06.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (3)