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Main » 2009 » December » 18
BITCH (in russian STERVA) is a corpse of freeze animal, cattle, died cattle.
For example, old russian saying: It's a cow now, tommorow - bitch.
 Thank's for Dal
Apropos, for who doesn't know anything about Dal (indormation from Wikipedia)
Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (alternatively transliterated as Dahl; Russian: Владимир Иванович Даль; November 10, 1801 - September 22, 1872) was one of the greatest Russian lexicographers. and also he was an author of some compositions. But he is well-known for his freatest work - explanatory dictionary of alive great russian language.
Category: Utterance | Views: 688 | Added by: winter-kokos | Date: 18.12.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)