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Happy New Year!!!
happiness and love for you in this New Year!!!
my nice readers:)))
This is my second eyes, but I hope that soon I dispose from it, 'cause my wich of car of my dream is stronger ;)))
*I'm in SHOCK*
Do you know that there is real life in world??? No, that I offer to you: tear away from monitor, switch off your computer and walk along the street, breathe freezing cold air....
Apropos, in Russia winter start!!! Yahooo!!! How long did we wait it?! Now we will go to ski, X-mas, New Year.
Winter is a good time, but a lot of deals make me crazy! how always, the end of year, all people wanna sleep, but prize for our work and suffering :))) *I belive*
Do you know that if you lean to wall left shoulder and left leg, you can't tear away right leg?! try ;)))
today was simple wonderfull day!!!
School's deals are ok....maybe not especially did not happen, but today is very-very good.
Wih you a lot of sunny days, my reader....I love you...ah, why am I so happy?!
*in last months it's a usual event :)))*
I love dogs very much. Maybe that's why I have some the same lines of temper :)))
I dreams that Ican be a nice Japan people create especial style for someone, who adore dogs. this style is Inu.
for example:
Ein Leben ohne Liebe ist einsay
Ein Leben ohne hoffnung ist grausay
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My neighbour bought a tractor(it was a joke, but without photoshop ;)))