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Spy suit

Spy suit.


   We want to suggest you absolutely new thing for girls - a spy suit. It would be fashionable only in 2107, but you fall out the chance to dress it now. Be first!

   The Spy costume will suit you. It may be dressed up for the first date and to be disco because it can change its colour and a form: long trousers change in a short skirt, boots on platform - high-heel loafers, a warm sweater – a topic. Running away from robbers, you may stand up near a wall, and your suit will quickly change its colour, covering you with a wall. Rubbers won’t see you.

   With undersides the suit is made up from soft gentle material, it looks like the skin. It can be warm you in winter and give coolness in summer. Outside the suit is made up from rubber-band and waterproof material. If you want, raindrops will not be able to fall to you and snowflakes will freeze on your decorating suit.

   This suit is in the same way equipped by the last unique instruments: a lipstick - a lazer, gloves - cat’s claws, a belt - mirror and boots on sucker. The suit has a mini TV-set, a camera, a radio. You take photos and you want the photos to be on your T-shirt. Now you and all people around you can enjoy your photos. As a gift we shall give you the wonderful reactive rucksack. You will be able quickly get to your place. You can also get the ring, which will be able to split into pants transform your face.

   Our suit is not needed to wash because at night you may switch on a special program for cleaning the suit. But if you want to wash it, you must not be afraid that water will spoil instruments because we care about it.

   It suits for extreme sports and for long journeys.

   Enjoy yourself and this spays costume!


Source: http://Sofi's brain
Category: My articles | Added by: winter-kokos (09.10.2009) | Author: Sofi Kokos E W
Views: 809 | Tags: Spy, Suit, spy suit, totaly spys | Rating: 0.0/0
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