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Main » Articles » Holiday

St. Valentine's day
How did or do people celebrate St.Valentine's day?!

America: In America this day appeared only in the end of 18 age.

Tradition is present to their sweetheart figure of marzipan(they were very expensive because of sugar)
England: People confessed in LOVE to their sweetheart and their pets. In Wales people cut of trees "spoon of LOVE", which were decorated in hearts, locks and keys, what mean "you find way to my heart".
France: French people changed valentine's cards with quatrain. There is wall of LOVE in France. Wall is contain confess of LOVE in different languages.
Germany: In 1780 special cards for St.Valentine's day were popular. In Germany these cards were named Freundschaftkarten - "car'ds of friendship"

Japan: In Japan St.valentine's day is differ from other countries. It's day for men: woomens present chocolate for their sweetheart. And if wooman wanna present something men's, she must do it with something chocolate. It's tradition! But dear mens, japan mens will be do the same in the 14th of March.

Russia: Russian orthodox church don't approve this day of LOVE. But people celebrated and continue celebrate.

In old time when "evening" was started, two hats(man's and wooman's) was prepared. In woman's hat all of women (from baby to old ladys) put their names, men put their names in men's hat. Person taked from hats two name (one from woman's hat, other from man's hat) and create pairs, which must be together whole "evening": they must looking for each other, dance together and so on.

Big Lucky was that create pair was a real pair of sweethearts. And if so, usually after "evening" continue offer of hand and heart.

This tradion is like tradinion of roman
I thinke th main in this day only LOVE and, of course, your sweetheart.Happy St.Valentine's day for you!!!
Category: Holiday | Added by: winter-kokos (08.02.2009) | Author: Sofi E W
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