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Main » Articles » RUSSIA

Poles Of Air On Plateau Man-Pypy-ner
Ostancy on plateau Man-Pypy-ner or "Mansiyskiy dolts", present themself poles of air. This is geological monument is located on a territory Troicko-Pecherskogo region of Komi, in between two rivers: Ichotlyagi and Pechory. The Height of poles from 30 to 42 metres.
With him are bound a lot of legends. At one time Poles of air were shown object of the cult of manci. In connection with enigmatic occur of these poles local population - Manci, Komi and Russian - created different legends about their appearance.
One of them is described in book of the professor of the Vera Varsanofievoy "Life of mountains": "Voguly, lead a nomadic life here with their own herd of the northdeers, tell that these stone poles were family ogre, which went through mountains in Siberia to destroy vogulskiy folk. But when they rose on top, named now Man-Pypy-ner, their chieftain-shaman has seen before himself Ylping-ner - holy volgyskiy mountain.
In terror he threw his drum, which fell on high cone-shaped top, rising южнее Man-Pypy-ner and named Koypom that signifies on Volgulski drum. And shaman and all his satellites have petrified from awe".
There is and the other version of the appearance of the Poles. Six powerful ogre pursued one of tribe of Manci, leaving for stone belt Uraliskih mountains. In headwaters yard Pechory on mouting pass ogres already nearly overtook the tribe. But they have blocked the way small shaman with white, as lime, person and has transformed the ogres in six stone poles. Thereafter each shaman from tribe of Manci without fall came to holy Yrochiche and culled their magic power from it.
took information on  http://www.ruschudo.ru/miracles/277.html  (Russia)
Category: RUSSIA | Added by: winter-kokos (26.06.2008) | Author: Sofi E W
Views: 792 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 5.0/2
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1 K!W!  
Wow! It is cool)))

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